The Illuminati Tarot

Created by Casey Duhamel

Illustrated by Bob Greyvenstein

Warning: If you are not into secret societies or the Illuminati and are a first time tarot buyer? This may not be the deck for you.

If you are a fan of Freemasonry and Rosicrucians? Welcome!

I honestly thought I knew veritable tons of data regarding secret societies. I have been doing research on secret societies since I was about 13.

My mother was a heavy advocate of AMORC – Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. We went to Oriental and Rosicrutian museums frequently. So when I saw the Illuminati Tarot set I thought: “Ok, I will know ALL about this!”

I have never been more wrong in my life.

Casey Duhamel has been a member of the Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn, and also an initiate of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC).

Duhamel also is descended from American Freemasons from the Colonial era.

Needless to say, Casey Duhamel knows their homework and deep research.

If you are into Victorian secret societies and conspiracies? You’ll love this box set.

This is a standard 78 card Tarot deck, however filled with various secret societies such as : The Priory of Sion (Portrayed as the Major Arcana) , Rosicrucians (Cups) , Martinists (Pentacles/Coins) , The Golden Dawn (Wands/Rods) , and of course, the Freemasons (Swords) .

Most of the characters on the cards were card carrying members of various secret societies mostly of the Victorian era.  

I also love the bright vivid colors and heavy line art of Bob Greyvenstein. A wonderful graphic designer and illustrator. The clip art and mixed media is full of vivid imagery and done beautifully. you can find more on Bob Greyvenstein at their website at:

If you are deep into secret societies, Roseacrucians, Freemasons, The Priory of Sion…The book is divine research!

I would not recommend this for the novice tarot reader ? But it is a nice set for a collector most definitely.

ISBN: 978-7643-5270-6

Cost: Approx $39.99 US

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