tips for organizing:
1. It has a home! Give your sacred belongings a place where it constantly lives. Once it has a home? You never have to wonder where it went.
2. You don’t need 10lbs of Cumin or 10lbs of Lavender…in the 1200s they harvested little amounts to dry. Use your items sparingly. Unless you are running a multi million dollar oil or soap company? Scale it back.
3. If you don’t remember? Chuck it! If you have NO idea what or why this black or red pouch is under your bed? Chuck it! If you can’t remember the spell? Chuck it and start over!
4. If you can’t clean it? Toss it! If you can’t clean out your potions glassware in the dishwasher, toss it. If you don’t have any lids to your herb tins? Chuck it! If you have NO idea what the item is since there is no lable? Goodbye.
5. Oils CAN go rancid sometimes. Some oils can also lose their smell or just get funky. Herbs can get critters…Check your oils & herbs every few months.
#witchyorganization #woowoo #witchymininmalist #witchyminimalism #Minimalism #witch #woowoominimalism