Kelly Patton Secret Woods Inspiration Deck.
I can’t gush enough happiness and joy regarding this deck.
Although this is not a Tarot deck – it is also not technically an Oracle deck. . . it is labeled as a Deck with Guides and Inspirational Messages.
I have been using this deck as an oracle deck for the last month on some of my Live Feeds to show my viewers just how absolutely splendid of a fantasy deck this is.
So yes, if I can use it as an inspirational Oracle deck? Mayhaps you can as well.
Kelly Patton has illustrated a tarot deck as well as several children’s books ( which I am now on the hunt for).
The only word I can use to define the art of Kelly Patton?
Whimsical. Yes.
The art is full of whimsy and fantasy. Kelly Patton’s style in this deck reminds me of Alice in Wonderland meets Winnie the Pooh meets Labyrinth on their way to have high tea with everyone at the Jim Henson Studio.
I fell in love with this box at first sight.
28 cards total in the box set with a 70 page color booklet with definitions as well as stories of each card.
The cards themselves are bright and full of dreamlike colors on heavy cardstock with rose gold tipped edging on the cards.
These cards feel like they are made to be filled with happiness and good energy. My only regret with this particular deck is that I wish there were more cards because I absolutely adore them!
This deck is full of magick and will reopen your mind and see the world with childlike eyes. It does for me every morning.
If you love just to keep these art cards on hand for inspiration?
I suggest these are perfect for this task.
If you love whimsy, purple cats, steampunk ants flying a dirigible or alchemist rabbits? You may have found your way home through the Secret Woods.
ISBN: 978-0-7643-6168-5
Published through Schiffer Books.
You can also find them to purchase or request them through your local metaphysical bookstore.