I don’t usually read my own stats on my own website…I just let it go forth out into the Universe and live it’s own little best life. Maybe it may come home one day…bring a little snack or some cheese crisps…

5000 views since lockdown when she was birthed.
I just want to wrap the concept around my head for a second…
5000 people in the world and some bots too I assume were intrigued by this website.

So firstly I would like to say THANK YOU to my friend Josh , for helping me out and coming up with the concept of a website to begin with.

Also my husband, puppy and cohort in chaos. The Vexs to my Hexs, I love you oh so very much and thank you for always supporting and being there for me no matter how much crazy.

And thank all of YOU for believing in the insanity and visiting this page and it means a lot to me. So please realize more really cool content is coming now that I have gotten my tech social media feet wet. I appreciate you.

I guess what I’m trying to say is….WOW! Thank you! And if you have an idea, no matter how crazy it one day is? Keep going! You might just surprise yourself!